Data Technology is a premier Information Technology and Renewable Energy focused organization that prides itself on excellence in quality, efficiency, and the highest standard. At Data Technology , we are committed to ensuring that all stakeholders, inclusive of employees, clients, visitors, are safe and healthy during all of our interactions. This is achieved through diligence in meeting and exceeding regulatory, client and internal company standard requirements.

We do not take our responsibility to our stakeholders lightly, and as such ensure we set objectives aligned with our HSE management system and measure in an effort to stimulate continuous improvement. We commit to:

  • Complying with all requirements specified in the Occupational Safety and Health Act of Guyana, the Environmental Protection Act, and all accompanying regulations as a minimum standard.
  • Allocating adequate human and capital resources towards the implementation and maintenance of our HSE Management System.
  • Training, communication, and awareness for all employees on all applicable HSE issues.
  • Identification of hazards and controlling risks associated with all work activities and the environment as well as developing and implementing appropriate corrective and preventive measures.
  • Providing fire prevention and emergency measures for all reasonably foreseeable crises and providing employees with the necessary training and information to ensure their preparedness.
  • Ensuring Incident management is effective in preventing any reoccurrence and minimize the impact to our people and firm.
  • Implementing and maintaining environmentally responsible principles such as reduce, reuse, and recycle to reduce our carbon footprint.
  • Striving to achieve a goal of zero workplace incidents.

Data Technology acknowledges that the key to successful health and safety management requires an effective policy, organizations, and arrangements, which reflect the commitment of senior management. To maintain that commitment, we will continually measure, monitor, and revise where necessary, an annual plan to ensure that health and safety standards are adequately maintained.